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PC|NB KnowHow

System Volume Information 폴더 삭제하기

by 두루물 2020. 10. 2.

여기선 D 드라이브 (d:를 자신에 맞게 삭제대상 드라이브명으로 변경)

관리자 권한으로 명령어 창을 실행하여 아래 명령어로 삭제한다. 
(작업표시줄 검색버튼에서 cmd 입력,우측마우스로 관리자로 실행)

takeown /f "d:System Volume Information" /r /d y 
icacls "d:System Volume Information" /grant administrators:F /t 
rd /q/s "d:System Volume Information"



Copy and Paste to Your Memo App.

rename d: to your target drive


eg) Clear H Drive(USB) ,Rename d: to h:


Right Click the Windows Icon on Taskbar.

enter "cmd" and Run as Admin.

Paste ablove commands.






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